Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
work and more work
I love working but, I can't wait for school to start in August. have a feeling that once i actually pick up a skill or trade that can be used in the workforce I will feel better about working
Saturday, July 17, 2010
random thoughts
First, I did some thinking....I am truly lucky to have Ang and John in my life!!! And this blog has many purposes. Ang you made a good point when you said, "This blog is OUR blog" sooo it really doesn't matter who get more is still about our friendship and that is the main point! I know this is a work in progress but, I stole cigs from you last night! What a bad friend...I stuffed them down my shirt!! Holy crap who does stuff like that!??? I had fun with you guys last night!! Thanks for putting up with my Leigh Ann Antics!! Note to self: ****Don't toast to the man's NEXT wife with his CURRENT wife sitting next to him!!!**** No more shots for me Cheers to friendship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
My, that's a nice Frappe ya got there
Before going to the LaundrOmat, LA & hit McD's for some seriously needed (at least on my part) caffeine. Our frappe's were delivered to us like this:

For the record, mine was the chocolate and was naturally erect. LA's was the caramel and needed a little "encouragement". Luckily, she's a natural at that sort of thing.
For the record, mine was the chocolate and was naturally erect. LA's was the caramel and needed a little "encouragement". Luckily, she's a natural at that sort of thing.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Okay when you go to do laundry it is called a laundromat. That just doesn't sound right. I learned so much today! Quick power nap as I work tonight 11-7. Yipee!! And Ang I think you are a great mom!! Even noone has told you today!! damn staples!!!!!
hanging with Angela today
Yay! drinking my first cup of coffee and preparing my exciting day hanging with Ang
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
divorce blues
there is never a day like this one. I am going through a divorce and not sure how it will end. I lost a one time soul mate and my new best friend is my attorney who I just met. uuugh
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
busy girls
Dang, give the girl a blog and she goes crazy! Just kidding sugar pop. I've been trying to figure out this bay thing. I want to go RIGHT NOW but I know that's not practical. Jay has summer school and I just can't take him out, at least not for more than a day. I could do Thursday afternoon - Sunday night, but can't really do a Tuesday - Thursday. Especially since his agency got him a substitute for the week to be with him at school. I don't know what to do. I feel like no matter what I do I will let someone down. And I hate letting you down. And yet I feel like I do it all the time. Sigh.
Monday, July 5, 2010
stick a fork in me
I am officially taking a loooong break from searching for Mr. Right for the moment!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Angela's Toes
Yay!! I figured it out! Now I am posting under my name and take a look at Angela's festive toes!!!
My new calling
You pick out color?? I am destined to be a nail technician! Just painted Angela's toes Red White and Blue!! Happy 4th to my bestest friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!
Toes & Fairies
Believe it or not, Leigh Ann is painting my toes as I type this. See, I told you she was an amazing best friend. We went to the store, we got stuff for the cookout and now I am getting patriotic with red, white & blue toes. Today is indeed going to be a very good day.
We also spent some time doing fun, silly internet things. One of them was finding our fairy names. Here is Leigh Ann's
We also spent some time doing fun, silly internet things. One of them was finding our fairy names. Here is Leigh Ann's
Your fairy is called Bramble Elfshimmer
She is a cheerful sprite.
She lives in leafy dells and bluebell glades.
She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom.
She wears bluebell-blue dresses. She has delicate green wings like a cicada.
today will be a good day
Why? Because I get to spend it with three of my favorite people in the world, my husband, my son & my best friend. I'm waiting to hear she is awake so we can go to the store and buy stuff for chocolate chip cookies and a cookout. And there will be swimming & sunshine and hopefully lots of laughter. Because that is something we all need in our lives, more laughter.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Well, after my daily conversation with Ang I continued on with my cleaning and in the process of making a 4th of July cake. Red velvet with fluffy white icing and preeeety sparkaleee blue sprinkles and flags allllll over on toothpicks. My original plan: cupcakes !! Soooo much easier...but, I can't find my cupcake pan!! How does that happen?? really???!!!!!!
A new day
I decided to leave my "bat cave" (black sheets from walmart make the best curtains!) Drinking my first cup of coffee and despite the confusion in my life I must stay positive. Yes, I am convincing myself as I type and say it out loud! But, I am sure of this one fact if it wasn't for my best friend I would be lost. This blog will be our effort to help each other through the difficult times and praise through the awesome accomplishments. Next on the agenda is to clean the house and make room for my brother and give our "Fix My Friend Project" blog a history background explaining how we got here today. Cheers! Leigh Ann
Friday, July 2, 2010
10:53 and I'm not where I belong.
It's 10:53 am. You are on my mind, as always. I wish I could be there with you right now, holding your hand, giving you my strength. But I can't. And that sucks. You always say that I'm the better friend, but you put up with a lot from me too. Lord knows my schedule is erratic at best. And there are times, like now, when your best friend should be there, but I can't.
Today will be over soon. Tomorrow will be better. Hang in there, we will get thru this.
Today will be over soon. Tomorrow will be better. Hang in there, we will get thru this.
Without angela I would be lost
Dear God! Thank you for my best friend!!! I need help today! Love, Leigh Ann
Thursday, July 1, 2010
My best friend lala & I have been talking about doing this for a long, long time. Today is the day. July 1, 2010. A grand day for new beginnings. What is this all about? Well, you see, we are both a bit broken, Lala & me. You will get to learn all about the whys, hows, whens, soforth & such in coming entries. Just trust me when I tell you we both have problems. And together, we are going to fix them. Hang on kids, it's going to be a wild ride!
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