Monday, September 27, 2010

I wish i could be there for you....i worked all weekend...and was sick...still sick
i can't make it work....i am trying soooo hard

I'm not mad

I just miss you.  I guess you don't need me as much anymore, but I still need you, now more than ever.  I know you have new friends, new adventures, a whole new life.  And I'm not nearly as much a part of it anymore.  And I am happy for you, but right now I need my best friend.  I need you not to go dark on me.  I need your support and your love and mostly just your shoulder to cry on.  I understand you were sick on Friday.  But Saturday and Sunday too???  I am really confused.  And sad.  But not mad.  Just sad.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ang I know this is hard for you!! Be strong I love you bunches!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ladybug Birthday Party

I HAD to share this link with you!!!

SOOOOOOO cute.  Almost makes me wish I had a girl.  Almost.

Watching THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY game without you feels weird. 

Love you, miss you.